Horseshoe Bay Resort – Horseshoe Bay, TX. Airport – KDZB | April 20-23
In 2005 I owned a souped up Twin Comanche that had 200 HP engines. Having a winter home in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, I became curious about visiting other nearby countries.
How long have you owned your Twin Cessna? How many hours/year do you fly your Twin Cessna? Twin Cessna business use? Do you own your plane by yourself or with a partner? Professional Pilot? Ownership – Twin Cessna Type Total Flight Time
After a lifetime of dreaming and a couple years of planning, I had already made the shortest leg of my intended Atlantic crossing from Northern Canada to Greenland and traveled its incredible west coast from Kangerlussuaq to Nuuk, and then on to the southern tip of Greenland at Narsarsuaq.
When I first saw the announcement for the Alaska Air Rally Tour, I must admit that I had visions of flying in beautiful sunlit splendor over the snow covered mountains and coastlines.
By now many of you are aware of Textron/Cessna’s April 22 release of a new Mandatory Service Letter (SL), Textron MEL-79-01.
Every week here at TTCF, we get questions from owners of high performance singles who are thinking about moving up to a twin.
Shortly after our trip, I spotted an FAA Wings program that was being held at a nearby local airport.
It was two o’clock in the morning, and while muted from its peak, the sun still leaked around the blinds at my window in our Narsarsuaq hotel.
Alamos Sonora Mexico is a small silver mining town located in southwestern Mexico, four hours (310 time) from the Dallas Fort Worth area.
It all started back in June when I got a call from my buddy, Harvey, asking if I wanted to go on a fishing trip to Queen Charlotte Islands (QCI).